Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"No! I don't want to! Leave me alone!"

These words have become the bane of my existence. My once sweet, compliant boy has developed opinions of his own - and definitely isn't afraid to share them. Half the time he's saying "no" before I've even finished my question. Ugh!

Can you believe this sweet looking face talks
back to his mommy and daddy?

Whoever said 3 is worse than 2 wasn't lying! Not that things are bad all of the time or even most of the time. Most of the time Brady is my sweet, compliant boy. But boy, he sure can get some attitude. And luckily, he is always the sweet, compliant boy when he's at school - although, I've probably just jinxed it by saying that. His teachers have said that he's very helpful and always follows directions. Good boy!

Let's see, what else has he been up to?

We are amazed at how quickly he picks things up, especially songs. It seems like he only has to hear a song once and he knows the words. Some of his favorites are "Firework" by Katy Perry, "Neon Moon" by Brooks & Dunn (totally random), that one by Lady Antebellum.....you know, "It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now"......and "I'm Coming Home" by Ditty Dirty Money.

He's still really, really into cars. We have so many matchbox cars and hotwheels at our house, it's outta control! It's fun to watch him play because his imagination has really taken off. He's also mildly obsessed with the movie Cars. I saw that there's a sequel coming out this summer. Maybe we'll try going to the movies again. Our last attempt (Toy Story 3 last summer) didn't go so well :-/

Lots of people have asked if Brady's excited about having a little sister. I don't think he really understands though. He picked out a name for her, Foofa (from Yo Gabba Gabba), but it's just so abstract to him. He doesn't get it, but he soon will!

And in other news......school is almost over!!!! Eleven days and counting. Shortly after that, we'll be leaving for our family vacation in Destin. I. cannot. wait.


Megan said...

Wow, now I'm REALLLLLY looking forward to Ethan turning 3. ha! Brady is such a cutie and I'm loving the new blog. Keep it up!

AP said...

Yes, please keep it up! I'm so glad you're back!

(You guys are going to Destin? SOO jealous!!)

Beaula said...

Wow, okay, so I feel a little better. Jonah's attitudes are a little more public and vocal..as you saw this past weekend. Yes, they are sweet boys but, man, oh, man...there are those moments!! Whatever pointers you have...please pass them on from one mommy to another!! :)

Have fun on your vaca!!