Monday, July 11, 2011

More Ramblings

  • Brady and I just got back from a 2-week visit to Ohio. We had a nice time visiting with lots of family we don't get to see that often. Brady really enjoyed getting to play with cousins and still asks daily about "Hio." I know Michael was glad to have us back. He actually said to me, "I have a lot more chores to do when you guys aren't here." DUH! I didn't take any pictures of our trip. I suck.

  • Right after getting home from Ohio, Brady started his first day of swimming lessons. I'm always nervous about how he's going to do in any type of "class." I guess the teacher in me is afraid he's going to be "that kid." I worried for nothing. He did great and more importantly, he had a lot of FUN! Took a couple of pictures of his first class.

  • Since school got out, we've really been putting a lot of effort into potty training. I definitely don't want to have to buy diapers for TWO kids! Brady has always been pretty easy with transitions - bottles to no bottles, taking away pacifier, etc. Potty training, by far, has been our hardest challenge. He would occasionally pee-pee on his little potty, but that's it. But, I think I may have been making things harder than they needed to be. Just this week, I've been putting him in only underwear, with no pull-up underneath, and finally, FINALLY we're making some headway. Fingers crossed that I've purchased by last box of Pampers Pull-Ups size 5 for a while!!

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