Sunday, July 10, 2011

Room Make-Overs

Right after getting home from Destin, I got to work on redoing Brady and the baby's rooms.

Brady got new "big boy" furniture and we really needed to change the color of his room from nursery blue to a more big boy blue ;-) We also went with a "sports" theme - not many choices when it comes to boys! The pictures of Muhammed Ali and The Three Stooges were specially selected by Daddy.

I don't have any before pictures, but here are a few afters:

Then I got to work on Foofa (aka, Ava)'s room. I found bedding with birds and owls that I really liked, so I guess if there's a theme to her room, it would be that. I went with pink and green paint for the walls....predictable, yes, but I really love the way it turned out.

Again, no before pictures, but believe me this room was a MESS before - a weight set, broken entertainment center, old work-out equipment, floor fan, etc. Pretty much a dumping ground for any junk we couldn't find a place for! Here are some pictures of the finished product:

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